- Services:
- Surveillance
- Background Checks
- Litigation Support
- Asset Search
- Due Diligence Preparation
- Domestic Investigations
- Worker’s Compensation Fraud
- Personal Injury Investigations
- Missing Person & Witness Location
- Electronic Counter-Measures
- Corporate Fraud & Embezzlement
- Covert & Undercover Operations
- Criminal Cases
- Mesothelioma Research
- Theft Detection & Recovery
- Personal Injury Fraud Detection
- Computer Forensics
- Refinery Accidents
Tell Us About Your Case
All submitted information is confidential. Read your rights.
Refinery & Oil Industry Accidents
Call 1 (800) 820-7006 or contact us online to discuss your refinery or oil field accident investigation needs.
Tim D. Wilson Investigations has works for top personal injury attorneys and physicians on complex cases involving injuries that occur at refineries, and in oil fields. As a result of our investigative expertise and due diligence many of these refinery and oil field accident cases ended with a positive judgment where the companies were proven to be at fault.
Profit Vs. Safety – Failure to Maintain Equipment
When companies place profit over employee safety they are placing lives in danger in order to make money for the company. Failure to maintain equipment is the most common cause for the accidents that occur at refineries and in oil fields.
Oil Spill & Damage Claims
Oill spills such as the recent BP oil spill disaster can deliver enormous damage to your health, your environment, and, in many cases, your income.
Compensation is often available for damages caused by oil spills and other oil industry related damages. The investigators at Tim D. Wilson Investigations know how and where to search to find the right people and make the right connections between events to prove who is at fault for the damages to your property, surroundings, or income.
Call us at (800) 820-7006 or contact us online to get file your claim for compensation from the company at fault.
Workers’ Compensation Is Not Your Only Option
Drilling companies and refineries often tell injured workers that the workers compensation system is their only means of compensation. Additional compensation is often available when negligent parties are found to be at fault. The investigators at Tim D. Wilson Investigations know how to uncover the information required to prove fault so that you can get compensated quicker and more efficiently.
Call us at 1 (800) 820-7006 or contact us online to discuss your options.
Types of Refinery Accidents
Refineries are some of the most dangerous places to work. The most common accidents are:
- Falls
- Defective Machinery
- Toxic Fume Inhalation
- Defective Scaffolding
- Burns from Fires and Explosions
- Injuries from Lifting
You may abide by every safety precaution given but injuries all too often occur at the fault of the company you work for. Our trained investigators look for evidence of company liability for accidents that occur on company property.
Types of Oil Industry Accidents
The oil field can prove to be extremely dangerous. Some of the most common accidents that occur are:
- Falls
- Inhalation of Sulfur Dioxide
- Insufficient Safeguards
- Fire and Pipeline Explosions
- Defective Machinery
- Oil Spills - Property Damage, Loss of Income, Environmental Impacts
If you have been injured in the oil field Tim D. Wilson Investigations has the experience you need to get the compensation you deserve.
Call Us For Help
Balancing the scales of justice is our number one goal at Tim D. Wilson Investigations.
If you or a loved one has been injured or killed while working in a refinery or out in the oil field, please do not hesitate to call us toll free at 1 (800) 820-7006, in Houston (713) 956-1111 or contact us online and get the help you need for your case.
Let Us Balance the Scales of Justice for You
Call today for immediate professional investigations.
Houston Investigations: (713) 956-1111
Toll Free: 1 (800) 820-7006

Let Us Balance the Scales of Justice for You
Call today for immediate professional investigations.
Houston Investigations:
(713) 956-1111
Toll Free:
1 (800) 820-7006

Our Services
- Services:
- Surveillance
- Background Checks
- Litigation Support
- Asset Search
- Due Diligence Preparation
- Domestic Investigations
- Worker’s Compensation Fraud
- Personal Injury Investigations
- Missing Person & Witness Location
- Electronic Counter-Measures
- Corporate Fraud & Embezzlement
- Covert & Undercover Operations
- Criminal Cases
- Mesothelioma Research
- Theft Detection & Recovery
- Personal Injury Fraud Detection
- Computer Forensics
- Refinery Accidents
- Services:
- Surveillance
- Background Checks
- Litigation Support
- Asset Search
- Due Diligence Preparation
- Domestic Investigations
- Worker’s Compensation Fraud
- Personal Injury Investigations
- Missing Person & Witness Location
- Electronic Counter-Measures
- Corporate Fraud & Embezzlement
- Covert & Undercover Operations
- Criminal Cases
- Mesothelioma Research
- Theft Detection & Recovery
- Personal Injury Fraud Detection
- Computer Forensics
- Refinery Accidents