- Services:
- Surveillance
- Background Checks
- Litigation Support
- Asset Search
- Due Diligence Preparation
- Domestic Investigations
- Worker’s Compensation Fraud
- Personal Injury Investigations
- Missing Person & Witness Location
- Electronic Counter-Measures
- Corporate Fraud & Embezzlement
- Covert & Undercover Operations
- Criminal Cases
- Mesothelioma Research
- Theft Detection & Recovery
- Personal Injury Fraud Detection
- Computer Forensics
- Refinery Accidents
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Mesothelioma Investigation
Call 1 (800) 820-7006 or contact us online for immediate professional investigations.
At Tim D. Wilson Investigations our goal is to balance the scales of justice for you. We work with the top doctors and attorneys in their fields to get the best help with our investigations and research for our clients suffering from Mesothelioma.
What is Mesothelioma?
Mesothelioma is a cancer that is usually caused by the prior exposure to asbestos. Although asbestos is not the only cause of Mesothelioma it is the most common. If Mesothelioma goes untreated the malignant cells can damage nearby tissues in the body or, even worse, can multiply and spread to other parts of the body.
Some common symptoms of Mesothelioma are similar to other diseases and usually people do not feel the effects of Mesothelioma until 20 to 50 years after exposure.
Our Mesothelioma investigators can find the source of your asbestos exposure even though it may not be obvious to you at the time you call or contact us online.
Methods of diagnosing Mesothelioma include:
- Medical History Review
- Physical Exam
- X-Rays
- Biopsy
- Diagnostic Surgery
Where in the Body is Mesothelioma Found?
Mesothelioma can be found in the protective membrane that lines most of the body’s internal organs. 70 percent of Mesothelioma cases are Pleural Mesothelioma, and are found in the pleura, which is the lining of the lungs.
Other areas where the disease occurs are the Peritoneum, the lining of the abdominal cavity, and in the Pericardium, the sack that surrounds the heart.
What is Asbestos and Where Can it be Found?
Asbestos is a group of minerals found within microscopic fibers. Asbestos has been used in areas like construction and automotive industries, because the fibers are resistant to heat, fire and the fibers do not conduct electricity. Some other areas here asbestos has been used are:
- Schools
- Buildings, and building insulation
- Ships
- Industrial facilities
- Brake pads
- Woven into fabrics and mats
- As structure protection from extreme heat and fire.
- Some building products and insulation materials in homes built before 1970
The use of asbestos has been banned from many products since July 1989. The fibers can still be found in many old structures but if the structure is still in good condition it may not be worth the risk releasing asbestos fibers into the air.
2,000 New Cases Each Year
Currently there are 2,000 new cases of Mesothelioma diagnosed in the U.S. each year. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Mesothelioma then we know you want answers and Tim D. Wilson Investigations wants to help you get the answers you deserve.
Call us toll free 1-800-820-7006, in Houston 713-956-1111 or contact us online to talk to an expert investigator 24 hours a day 7 days a week about your Mesothelioma investigation.
Let Us Balance the Scales of Justice for You
Call today for immediate professional investigations.
Houston Investigations: (713) 956-1111
Toll Free: 1 (800) 820-7006

Let Us Balance the Scales of Justice for You
Call today for immediate professional investigations.
Houston Investigations:
(713) 956-1111
Toll Free:
1 (800) 820-7006

Our Services
- Services:
- Surveillance
- Background Checks
- Litigation Support
- Asset Search
- Due Diligence Preparation
- Domestic Investigations
- Worker’s Compensation Fraud
- Personal Injury Investigations
- Missing Person & Witness Location
- Electronic Counter-Measures
- Corporate Fraud & Embezzlement
- Covert & Undercover Operations
- Criminal Cases
- Mesothelioma Research
- Theft Detection & Recovery
- Personal Injury Fraud Detection
- Computer Forensics
- Refinery Accidents
- Services:
- Surveillance
- Background Checks
- Litigation Support
- Asset Search
- Due Diligence Preparation
- Domestic Investigations
- Worker’s Compensation Fraud
- Personal Injury Investigations
- Missing Person & Witness Location
- Electronic Counter-Measures
- Corporate Fraud & Embezzlement
- Covert & Undercover Operations
- Criminal Cases
- Mesothelioma Research
- Theft Detection & Recovery
- Personal Injury Fraud Detection
- Computer Forensics
- Refinery Accidents