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Private Investigation Blog
Executive Background Checks
One of the most critical groups of employees for a company is its executives. The quality of a company’s executives can be directly tied into how well or poorly a company performs, and what its reputation is. The first step to hiring trustworthy executives is to have a good executive screening process, and a good executive screening process always includes in-depth background checks.
Good Reasons for Background Checks
Background checks are becoming increasingly important in today’s world when considering hiring any new employees, and executives are especially critical. Executives typically are able to access the company’s finances and make decisions about where the money in the company goes and what it’s being used for. This can be dangerous of the person with power has poor money management skills. Many times an executive will become the face of a company on TV and advertisements, and poor public relations or public speaking can make or break a company’s image in the public mind. The last major reason for a background check is to ensure the confidentiality of the prospective executive employee.
False Claims in Resumes
In May of 2012 it was found the newly elected Yahoo CEO Scott Thompson was found to have made false claims on his resumé regarding his education, causing him to resign almost immediately. Jude M. Werra, a management consultant in Wisconsin biannually publishes the Liars Index, which maps the trends of false claims in the some 100-300 resumés he reads a year. In 2008 the two-year rolling average was 13.21%, and has risen over 50% between then and 2012, where the average now is 21.62%. That means that about 1 in 5 resumés contain false claims. The recent recession has caused many people, executives included, to feel the need to take desperate measures to obtain new jobs. The staggering statistic of false claims on resumés makes it all the more important that companies hiring new employees take every precaution to assure that they are hiring someone who is who they claim to be.
Contact Tim Wilson Investigations for questions regarding background checks or to order a background check.
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Houston Investigations: (713) 956-1111
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Let Us Balance the Scales of Justice for You
Call today for immediate professional investigations.
Houston Investigations:
(713) 956-1111
Toll Free:
1 (800) 820-7006

Our Services
- Services:
- Surveillance
- Background Checks
- Litigation Support
- Asset Search
- Due Diligence Preparation
- Domestic Investigations
- Worker’s Compensation Fraud
- Personal Injury Investigations
- Missing Person & Witness Location
- Electronic Counter-Measures
- Corporate Fraud & Embezzlement
- Covert & Undercover Operations
- Criminal Cases
- Mesothelioma Research
- Theft Detection & Recovery
- Personal Injury Fraud Detection
- Computer Forensics
- Refinery Accidents
- Services:
- Surveillance
- Background Checks
- Litigation Support
- Asset Search
- Due Diligence Preparation
- Domestic Investigations
- Worker’s Compensation Fraud
- Personal Injury Investigations
- Missing Person & Witness Location
- Electronic Counter-Measures
- Corporate Fraud & Embezzlement
- Covert & Undercover Operations
- Criminal Cases
- Mesothelioma Research
- Theft Detection & Recovery
- Personal Injury Fraud Detection
- Computer Forensics
- Refinery Accidents